Awekz dengar-dengar dari: The Star - 10.13am: Malim Nawar assemblyman Keshvinder
Singh is arrested. Mohd Nizar tells
state representatives to disperse.
: Wartawan Cina, Andrew Ong, dari Malysiakini - Manhandled MP: It was like TV
wrestling, but for real
Perak MP, Keshvinder Singh, who was
in a fracas at the state assembly
says he now understands what police
brutality is about... first hand.
"I read in the papers about the
police manhandling people but I
still asked myself if these people
are really that cruel. Since the
incident yesterday, I believe it all
now and have low respect for the
police," Keshvinder told Malaysiakini
:Blog Pemuda PAS Besut - Pihak polis menggunakan kekerasan semasa menahan
Keshvinder. Beliau ditolak sehingga jatuh ke tanah dan
menyebabkan kepalanya bengkak & pengsan. Ambulan membawa
beliau ke hospital.
Awekz: Ish...Ish...Ish...kalau korang-korang ni tak buta la, atau Awekz yang xnampak...agaknye, die pengsan lepas gambar ni diambil or sebelum eh...hmm...sapa nak jawab...lepas die gi hospital, mesti kepala die kene balut semua kan...ye la, nak bagi real lagi lakonan...fikir-fikirkanlah...
huhuhuhuh.....biasa la tu....
rakyat masih dgr crta mulut ke mulut je.....
xtau apa yg sebenar berlaku.....xtau la bila nak habis...wallahualam...
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